Biomedicine and Technology in Healthcare

The Biomedicine and Technology in Healthcare domain utilizes the outcomes of cutting-edge research conducted at the Biomedical Center of the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Pilsen, as well as activities of the departments and research centers of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, for example, the Faculty of Applied Sciences, the Faculty of Health Care Studies, and the New Technologies Research Center. Interesting activities are also provided thanks to multidisciplinary research in such fields as the use of new materials or software.
Strategy RIS3

● Oncology

● Infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance

● Multidisciplinary medicine

● Reproductive medicine

● Technologies for preventive medicine

● Organ transplants

● Medical diagnostics

● Materials in healthcare


This field focuses primarily on the treatment of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance issues; oncology; reproductive medicine; multidisciplinary medicine and the development of personalized medicine; medical diagnostics; organ replacement; and the use of new materials in medical practice.